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Thursday, July 22, 2010

One Last Thing!!

I really liked most of the activities during this class. My favorite though, would have to be setting up the RSS reader. This helps to save so much time! I like the overall idea of blogging as well. I am thinking about setting up a person blogger when I finish this class. I often feel overwhelmed with technology and my fear of messing it up. I like the way this class has let us get in and play around, but also give us a guiding hand along the way. I was really surprised at how easy most of these programs were. If I am able to figure these things out and get through all of these activities, anyone can! I feel that this class is set up to help anyone succeed. I would not make any suggestions on improvement! I love taking these online (self-paced) classes. This one almost got the best of me, but a wonderful person, sent me encouraging words just as I needed them most! I would love to take another class similar to this if one was offered! As most people in this class probably feel, I think the best part of taking this class is finding ways to incooporate more technology into our daily lessons and hopefully in turn, get more attention from the students.

Once again, I truely appreciate the encouraging words from Marnie! Although I have never met you in person, I know that you are a wonderful person and very caring!

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